5 Myths About Fat Loss

If so, you need to take the time to get a proper meal plan and workout in place. Doing some research about the top plans out there and available for you to use will be sure that you get off to the right start and stay committed every step of the way.
Unfortunately however, some people start to fall for some pretty serious myths about the process of fat loss as they go along with their program that dramatically costs them their results.
So what are the top myths that you need to know about? What should you be highly aware of so that you don’t make the mistake that others have?
Let’s go over the main things that you want to consider.
1. Eating Before Bed Causes Weight Gain
The very first myth that tends to circulate around is that if you eat before bed, you’re headed for weight gain. People everywhere avoid eating before they turn in for the night thinking that by doing so, they are going to help wake up learner the next morning.
What you need to know here is that it’s not so much that you’re eating before bed that increases your chances of weight gain, it’s what you’re eating and how much.
As long as you properly plan to have a snack before you turn in that evening, you will easily be able to still see the results that you’re going for. Aim to eat lean proteins along with healthy fats before you turn in for the night. This is the ideal combination as it’ll keep your hunger levels lower while keeping your blood glucose stabilized.
Good examples of snacks could be some cottage cheese with peanut butter or some salmon over salad greens.
2. The Lower The Calorie Diet, The Better
Next, you also need to keep in mind the myth that if you take your calories as low as possible, you’ll see the fastest rate of fat loss.
Again, this isn’t too. While some calorie reduction is necessary for fat loss to occur, if you take your calories too low, the body is just going to fight you and the metabolic rate will slow down.
This makes further fat loss that much more difficult and eventually you’ll reach a progress plateau.
Use a moderate calorie deficit, not an extreme one. Not only will you see better results, but you’ll enjoy the diet that much more as well.
Plus, remember that if you resort to using an extremely low calorie diet, there is a much higher chance that you’ll begin to lose lean muscle mass rather than body fat, which means that you’ll just be at a high risk of regaining the weight once you come off the diet plan altogether.
You want to only be focused on fat loss as you go about the diet, not muscle mass loss. That is precisely what you don’t want to have happening.
Exercising Before Eating Always Burns More Fat
Moving along, the next myth is the myth that if you exercise before eating, you’ll burn more fat. Again, this isn’t necessarily correct.
Remember that fat loss is a function of the end of the day calorie balance. If you’re not burning more calories than you consume over the course of the day, you won’t be seeing fat loss results happening.
It’s really that simple. It doesn’t especially matter when you eat or when you burn off the calories you’re consuming, only that you do create that deficit.
Often eating before you exercise will help ensure that you can put a maximum effort in at those sessions, so that will help you see far faster progress than you otherwise would.
Diet Isn’t Necessary If You Exercise Enough
Moving along, the next important myth that you want to make sure you aren’t falling for is the myth that a diet isn’t even necessary if you’re exercising.
Some people think that if they just workout hard enough in the gym, they can forgo their diet altogether. Again, this isn’t the case.
While you may get away with it if your diet is naturally very good, most people do need assistance on both fronts.
If you’re eating foods that are much higher in calories, you’d literally have to spend hours in the gym aiming to burn these off. It’s just far easier to make a few quick changes to your diet intake instead.
Supplements Will Speed Up Your Results
The next myth is the supplemental myth. This myth states that a supplement can assist with fat burning incredibly well and really get fat loss coming off at an accelerated pace.
While there are some supplements out there that can definitely boost your energy level and raise your calorie expenditure over the course of the day, they aren’t going to magically make fat just melt right off your body.
If they did, we’d have no overweight people in the word.
It’s always important to remember that while supplements may assist the progress such as PhenQ Walgreens, you won’t be making any progress if you don’t have that proper diet and workout plan in place. Only once those are working for you will supplements help you take your results one step further and get you even closer to success.
So there you have some of the top fat loss myths that you must know about as you go through your workout and diet plan. If you stay committed to constantly educating yourself on the smartest strategies to get fat loss moving along, you shouldn’t have to deal with these myths and shouldn’t suffer because of them.
Use tried and true methods and you will be on your way to success.