
Showing posts from July, 2019

5 Myths About Fat Loss

Ready to get started on a fat burning diet plan designed to accelerate your progress and get you your leanest body ever? If so, you need to take the time to get a proper meal plan and workout in place. Doing some research about the top plans out there and available for you to use will be sure that you get off to the right start and stay committed every step of the way. Unfortunately however, some people start to fall for some pretty serious myths about the process of fat loss as they go along with their program that dramatically costs them their results. So what are the top myths that you need to know about? What should you be highly aware of so that you don’t make the mistake that others have? Let’s go over the main things that you want to consider. 1. Eating Before Bed Causes Weight Gain The very first myth that tends to circulate around is that if you eat before bed, you’re headed for weight gain. People everywhere avoid eating before they turn in for the night thinki...